Saturday, December 3, 2011

I must be known as some old sewing machine collector..........

This is so crazy!  My aunt said this machine was given to her by her Sister in Law for ME-I guess she has had this for a while. Anyway-my aunt thought I was an old machine collector so she said she was going to bring by this old Singer machine.  I really did not know what to expect but how on earth could I possibly say no???  So I get it (in its original case) and open it to find this beauty. WOW!!!  I was HOPING it would be one of this type of Singer's, so what a great surprise!  I threaded her up and she runs amazing.  Just a straight stitch and reverse. This is a Singer 66-it says on the label on the back of the machine that it was made in 1949. Beautiful, Clean condition. I am so stoked!

Oh, and pardon the messy table its on!hahaha! I just plopped it onto my daughter's table to test her out


Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

This is a real treasure!!!! I love it!!

Anonymous said...

Kristy, I have this Singer machine. It belonged to my dad's mom. When she passed away it was given to my mom and then to me. I learned to sew on this Singer. You do have a true collector's item.